Values & Guiding Principles

“Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” (Ephesians 4:3 NLT)

Our Values

  • Seek Unity
    “Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” (Ephesians 4:3 NLT)
  • Pursue Excellence
    “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence.” (II Peter 1:3 ESV)
  • Show Respect
    “Show proper respect for everyone; Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the King.” (I Peter 2:17 NIV)
  • Reflect Love
    “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:14 NLT)
  • Demonstrate Integrity
    “He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.” (Proverbs 2:7 ESV)
  • Be Accountable
    “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts.” (Psalms 139:23 KJV)

Our Guiding Principles

Palm Beach Atlantic University is a comprehensive Christian university with a significant core emphasis on the liberal arts. Its purpose is to offer a curriculum of studies and a program of student activities dedicated to the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals.

Founded under the providence of God with the conviction that there is a need for a university in this community that will expand the minds, develop moral character and enrich the spiritual lives of all the people who may come within the orbit of its influence, Palm Beach Atlantic University shall stand as a witness for Jesus Christ, expressed directly through its administration, faculty, staff, and students.

To assure the perpetuation of these basic concepts of its founders, it is resolved that all those who become associated with Palm Beach Atlantic University as trustees, officers, members of the faculty, or of the staff, must believe in, and affirm in principle and practice, the divine inspiration of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments; that man and woman were directly created by God; that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin; that He is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior; that He died for the sins of all and thereafter arose from the grave; that by repentance and the acceptance of and belief in Him, by the grace of God, the individual is saved from eternal damnation and receives eternal life in the presence of God; and it is further resolved that the ultimate teachings in this University shall always be consistent with, and not contrary to, these principles.

These principles were adopted by the University’s founders and they serve as the preamble to the PBA bylaws. Updated by PBA BOT in 2021.

Diversity Statement

PBA is committed to loving and respecting all people, as well as celebrating the divine tapestry of our diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, socio‐economic, and national backgrounds, because Christ‐exalting diversity celebrates the fact that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in His image (Psalm 139:14; Acts 17:26). We strive to emulate the model of God’s throne room in which human beings from every ethnicity, language, and nation gather before their Creator (Matthew 28:19‐20; Revelation 7:9‐10). Therefore, no form of racism, racial supremacy, ableism, or ethnic bigotry will be tolerated at Palm Beach Atlantic University. We strive to create a Christian climate on campus in which all are respected, all are equal, and all are valued as we love God and others (James 2:1‐5; Matthew 22: 37-40; Romans 15:5-7). We are committed to eliminating barriers so that people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives flourish.

Any PBA community member who becomes aware of activities, comments, or behavior inconsistent with this Diversity Statement, is encouraged to report the incident immediately to the appropriate office (for students: Student Accountability, Residence Life or Campus Safety; for faculty/staff: respective Dean of School or Human Resources) for investigation. The University also desires to provide support to anyone who may have experienced such a violation. Such individuals are encouraged to seek out opportunities for confidential discussion and help through the Counseling and Wellness Center/University Counseling Center or the Campus Pastor.

Statement adopted by the PBA Board of Trustees, April 2021

Kingdom Approach to Culture, Sexuality, Sanctity of Life, and Compassion

Worship, Workship, and Wordship—A Christ-First Culture

At Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA), we believe that all people are made in the imago Dei— the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). This reality gives every human being intrinsic value and also compels us to treat each person with dignity, respect, kindness, understanding, love, and an eagerness to see them know God and fulfill their God‐given purposes. Our motto is “enlightening minds, enriching souls, and extending hands”. This is beautifully lived out through the combined practices of Worship—the practice of honoring God with who we are and everything that we do, Workship—a distinctive community service program that responds to human needs with Christ‐like action in the community and the world, and Wordship—cultivating the practice of using our words wisely to edify others, including those with whom we may disagree, as a form of worship. The imago Dei also undergirds our view of ethics and morality. That we are made in the image of God makes us eager to obey God and to live our lives according to His commands.

Our View of Human Sexuality

Palm Beach Atlantic University affirms the biblical understanding of personhood, sexuality, gender, and Christian marriage. We believe that Christian marriage is between a man and a woman. Sex is a wonderful, God‐given gift explicitly intended for the marital relationship between a biological male and female (1 Corinthians 7:2-5) and gender follows biology. The physical and emotional intimacy of sex is designed beautifully and specifically to unite a couple living in a loving marital, lifelong commitment to each other (Genesis 2:24‐25; Matthew 19:5‐6). In Scripture, we learn God’s creational design and intent for marriage involves three chief goods: (1) a permanent bond and covenant learned by a lifelong commitment (Genesis 2:24-35; Matthew 19:5-6), (2) procreation and the gift of children (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 127:3), (3) and marriage as a living sign of the gospel – Christ’s love for his bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33; Revelation 19:7-9). The covenant of marriage between a man and woman is a blessing from God and uniquely expresses these gifts. Sexual relations outside of marriage are strictly forbidden (Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:27‐28; 1 Corinthians 7:6-11, 25-35).

Likewise, the vocation of celibacy is a gift which truly expresses male and female identities in a unique and complementary way. Celibacy is not mere inactivity, rather it is active faithfulness to God (1 Corinthians 7:6-35). Marriage and celibacy are both in God’s design.

Sexual immorality, including fornication, adultery, and homosexual behavior, is prohibited in Scripture (Romans 1:26‐28; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; Matthew 5:28) because our bodies are “a temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:13‐20). In addition, all use or involvement with pornographic materials is sinful and forbidden at PBA, as are all forms of sexual abuse, exploitation, and harassment (1 Corinthians 6:9‐10; 1 Thessalonians 4:6; 1 Timothy 1:9‐10). PBA expects that their students, faculty, and staff will neither engage in nor promote views of sexuality or gender expression that contradicts biblical standards (Romans 1:21‐27; 1 Corinthians 6:9‐10; Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31). PBA also expects that our students, faculty, and staff will extend compassion and sensitivity to all since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). We know that redemption and forgiveness are available for all sins (Ephesians 1:7). We are committed to supporting and learning from one another in grace and truth, respecting each other while also honoring God’s design for sexuality and marriage. (1 Timothy 1:9).

Our View of the Sanctity of Life

PBA’s devotion to the sanctity of human life is informed by the same distinctives that shape all of its other commitments: love for God, love for each other, the example of Jesus, and love of biblical truth. This leads us to the understanding that life begins at conception and is precious to God from the moment of conception (Psalm 71:6; 139:13‐15; Luke 1:15) to our last breath on earth. All human beings are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image (Psalm 139:14). Unborn children, like others of the most vulnerable of our society, deserve our best efforts to protect them from conception to birth. We support those who sacrifice much to carry their unborn baby to term and seek to be an encouragement to them.

Statement adopted by the PBA Board of Trustees, April 2021

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